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History of Maidenhead and district amateur radio club.

  At the time in 1965. Maidenhead College was running a RAE course.
  The tutor was Bob Rickards who also operated the College Station under his own call sign
  Among those taking the course who later became members of the club were:-
  Arthur G3UOT, Doug G3UQO and Roger G3VCT.

  As a result of local 160m QSOs and a meeting with George Shipway G3RQI and Richard
  Shiregold G6RS, Eric G3FVC  Placed in the November 1965 issue of Short Wave Magazine a
  notice of a meeting of all interested people in the formation of a club to be held in The Hall,
  East Berks College Boyne Hill Avenue Maidenhead on 9th November.
  This notice came to the attention of the RAE class and a number of students attended.

  This meeting was in effect the Inaugural Meeting, held on 9th November 1965.

  The minutes of the meeting make interesting reading and reflect some of the changes in
  amateur radio.

Minutes of Meeting held 9th. November 1965 at East Berks. College, Maidenhead.

 1. Meeting opened in College Hal, 7.30 p.m.

 2. Twenty-two local amateurs were present.

 3. Bill Omer, G3DOJ, Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the East Berks College
     welcomed those present on behalf of the College.

 4. Eric Palmer, G3FVC, reported that he had sent letters to 32 local amateurs asking them if
     they were interested in the formation of a club for Maidenhead and district, stating that he
     was so interested and had arranged a meeting for 9th. November.

 5. John Birley, G3PYN, proposed the formation of a Maidenhead and District Amateur Radio
     Club: this was seconded by Chris Cory, G3MEV. The Motion was passed unanimously.

 6. Discussion followed regarding the formation of a Committee.

 7. Chris Cory, G3MEV, proposed Eric Palmer, G3FVC, as Secretary: this was seconded by Bill
     Omer,G3DOJ.    The motion was passed unanimously.

 8. D. Milton, G3UQO, proposed Arthur Turner, G3UOT, as Treasurer: this was seconded by
     S.W.L. Rackley.    The motion was passed unanimously.

 9. Raymond Evans, G3GGE, suggested Committee members should represent SWL, VHF
     and /T activities. General opinion was, however, in favour of electing a small Committee
     at this stage, as members did not really know each other yet.

 10. Eric Palmer, G3FVC, Proposed Chris Cory, G3MEV, to serve on Committee and to
       represent VHF activity: this was seconded by Fred Parsons, G3MIX. The motion was
       passed unanimously.

 11. The question of subscription was raised. It was felt that an annual subscription was the
       best idea, but should be left until a later meeting, to give all present time to decide about
       joining the club.

 12. Raymond Evans, G3GGE, proposed that for the moment members should pay
       2/- per meeting: this was seconded by Fred Parsons, G3MIX. The motion was
       passed unanimously.

 13. Bill Omer, G3DOJ, explained that the College was willing to let the club have the use of
       the College Hall, any Tuesday, free of charge. Some members thought that alternative
       accommodation might be examined and it was decided to enquire further regarding the
       use of a room from local public houses, the Red Cross etc. Objections regarding the use
       of a public house, in respect of recruiting "under age" members was mentioned.

 14. Publicity via the "Maidenhead Advertiser” was mentioned and the Secretary stated that
       he would contact the paper.

 15. General comments were passed on possible future activities, e.g.
       "Station of the Month”, TVI etc.

 16. The date of the next meeting, in the College Hall, was fixed for Tuesday 7th. December at
       7.30 p.m. It was agreed  that meetings should be held on the third Tuesday of each month.

 17. The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

      At the meeting held on the 7th December 21 members attended including:

    D.Chalmers BRS 27344 (G3WQG)            R.Howard G6KPX/T                 C.Pettifer SWL
    A.Murphy G3TMF                                     M.Bunce SWL (G3YFO)           G.Shipway G3RQI
    R.Hemmings SWL (G3VCT)                      W.Omer G3DOJ                         A.Houchin G3GZ
    R.Rancombe G3JKR                                  E.Finch SWL                             D.Milton G3UQO
    A.Turner G3UOT                                       C.Bradshaw SWL                     J.Springate G3CAZ
    E.Palmer G3FVC                                       J.Birley G3PYN                         R.Sheargold G6RS
    R.Ricketts SWL                                         C.Cory G3MEV

   The first General meeting was held in March 1965.

   Meetings continued at East Berks College up to September 1966 but the club lost the use of
   the College Hall as a meeting place later that year, the new venue was, Victory Hall.
   Cox Green.
   Meetings were now held on the first Monday and Third Tuesday of the month. The last
   meeting at Victory Hall was on 2 July 1973 as the site had been sold for development.
   From 17 July 1973 until 15 June 2010 the club venue was The Red Cross Hall. The Crescent
   Meetings were then held on the first Thursday and third Tuesday of the month.
   The present meeting place (June 2020) is The Friends Meeting House West Street

   The Club obtained its own Call Sign G3WKX in 1968 which was initially used on VHF
   national Field day from 1967 and on HF National Field day from 1970.

   During the period 1969 to 1977 The club provided lecturers and materiel in support of RAE,
   Morse Tuition, Operating Practice and Advanced Amateur Radio Techniques, courses ran at
   Slough and later at Langley Colleges.
   The Operating Practice lectures included on air demonstrations using the College call Sign

  The club was one of those that started the McMichael Radio Rally in 1983, the other clubs
  being The McMichael amateur Radio club, Burnham beeches radio Club and
  Chiltern Radio Club.
Christmad do 1983First McMichael rallyMcMivhael rally 1983.HF NFD Taplow CourtVHF NFD 1965Pete G8DLZ Receiving an awardEric G3FVC receiving an awardNFD 1978Club banner at NFD 1974McMichael Rally 1983McMichael rally
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